Day 10 Yale MI to Marine City MI - 49 miles (495 miles total)

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We woke up this morning at the Sweet Dreams Motel. This was defiantly the best night of sleep of the trip for me, and for Chris as well, he probably slept three hours. That's truly amazing. The group decided on another McDonald's breakfast, and since I knew this, I took precautionary measures. Last night when Chris and I went to the grocery store for dinner we also got Mint Oreos and milk. Chuck, Rog and Laura left for McDonald's and me and Chris had some cookies and milk and then met the group.

We started biking and ended up at Emmett, 11 miles into our day and we needed to use the bathroom. We couldn't find anything but a hardware store, but they were nice and let us use their restroom. We also finally found some tent waterproofing spray, to maybe deflect a second monsoon that is sure to happen, sometime.

Then, just leaving the hardware store, Chris was in the lead and we crossed the railroad tracks. Just when his front tires touched the railroad, DING DING DING!! He made it across, we waited for him. It startled us quite a bit, but it was humorous.

After that we were on our way to St. Clair and the traffic picked up, shoulder went away and holes were everywhere. We did get off the highway for a few stretches on the bike trail, which was nice.

We then stopped for a little snack at Wendy's where Laura and I got a baked potato and a frosty and Chris got two sandwiches and a frosty, he clearly missed the snack memo. I got more gummy worms, not saying how many I have consumed because that would ruin the poll we have going! Well then we hopped on our bikes and we'll be in Canada before we know it!

When we got into St. Clair, I wanted to find my dad a hat like he had asked me before we left. When we caught word of somewhere that may sell them, we headed to the CVS Pharmacy. We were on the sidewalk/crappy bike trail and at the intersection before CVS, I couldn't unclip. As I tried to prevent my self from falling, I failed and ended up with the first injury of the trip, a scrapped ankle. Laura doctored me up with a florescent band-aid and I was good as new. PS DAD: I hope you enjoy this hat, I fell down, scrapped my ankle, bought the hat, now I will carry it for 500 miles or until whenever Dee comes to get Chuck. No, but seriously don't worry, I love you and I wanted to get you the hat.

Here are some pictures of our time in St. Clair. Chris really hates that town. High traffic and mostly deadly bike trail.

This is for Chuck and Amanda

We made it to Marine City and WE CAN SEE CANADA. That surreal feeling defiantly came back when I thought to myself, tomorrow we will be in Canada, and we biked here. By Canada, no Al I don't mean you, but we were looking for you!!

We also met a nice man named Rick today and he rode a High Wheel bike. He gave us a lot of helpful information about the ferry we take into Canada, where to eat, where the hotels were, all these nice things, and then he says, "hey you have a flat tire." Of course, Chuck has a flat tire but it is our first of Michigan.

Well, were going to get some shut eye here in the Anchor Inn and will jump on the ferry tomorrow morning into Canada.



Your only hope of getting into my country is that the customs guards that I spoke to are not on duty when you arrive. It would be easier if you left Chuck behind. I know you guys have been trying (how many flats have you given him so far?).

I like your blogs the best, Katie. Hope you can keep writing them!


Al, you are goooood!!!

Another great post Katie.

You did a really good job on this post. Sorry you got hurt. Thank goodness you have Dr. Laura with you. See you all soon.