Day 08 - Midland MI to Vassar MI - 61 miles (390 miles total)

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We woke up around 7 this morning with an overcast look in the sky. The Best Western had a wonderful breakfast, I even enjoyed some raisin bran mixed with fruit loops. Laura despised the fact that I would do something so awful her beloved cereal, but they ran out of raisin bran and I needed to fill the bowl. You think I'm weird? Chris put cream cheese and syrup on his scrambled eggs..

Well, of course, mother nature truly hates us so our day began with some more rain. It was rather chilly so we bundled up and hit the road. We began to warm up and shed clothes, then get cold and hot again. We reached Bay City, about 20 miles into the day and were surprised they would have a bike trail for us to get through town. We came to find out, they just didn't want us cyclists in their town, what so ever. We were all starving and needed to go to the bathroom, yet they had us going around town on the worst sidewalk/bike trail. Eventually we found a Subway and got quick lunch to get back on the road.

When we got done eating we met a man who seemed interested in our bikes. He owns a couple Rans recumbent and his friend owns a trike. We invited him to join us and he informed us that he has already done the Northern Tier, a few times. He was a very nice man that we enjoyed talking to.

Shortly after our Subway lunch, we missed one of the roads we were suppose to turn on and we had to take a gravel road, of course, it added miles and time to our day. I know Laura was upset and thought it was her fault. But we have all made mistakes while navigating, it's bound to happen sooner or later. I think Laura is doing and excellent job, better than Chris :)

The next town we came to was called Frankensmuth. They had some kind of Renaissance Fair going on that they do every weekend in June. All the buildings were different but neat. However, we couldn't find a gas station, grocery store or an eatery of any kind to use the bathroom. Finally, we came to a museum that was nice enough to let us use theirs.

We decided to start looking for lodging in this town because the town that were in now (Vassar) had one Inn, with not so spectacular reviews. We called around and there were two hotel rooms open, one for 180 dollars or 270 dollars. Ridiculous. The other option in that town was camping, for 80 dollars, without showers. Even more ridiculous. So we peddled on to the Vassar Inn which was 50 dollars. One bed. Five people. Little shady. Hearing (hopefully) fireworks as I type this. Well, It's time for bed.