Day 2 - August 3, 2008 - Marshfield to Abbotsford - 31 miles

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Ryan woke up to shooting pains in his abdomen. The nagging pains from the day before had gotten worse in the night. He wanted to continue, but the group wouldn't have it. The problem was clearly getting worse. His trip was over; but he wished us well and we continued. The first miles were silent....

Soon after leaving Abbotsford we were hit with a very hard headwind. Soon the roads changed to gravel. The state cycling map recommended a road which was solid traffic and no shoulder. We opted for the peaceful gravel roads that paralleled it. It was slower, hillier, dustier, and the headwind got worse, but at least it was scenic.

How much more rough can it get? This was the most smooth road of the day.

We were fortunate, the Churches stayed off to the side of the road.

The gravel road just kept going, and going, and going. I even saw the energizer bunny passed out on the side of the road.

This was over what looked to be a swamp or manure pit. What is it?

Katie overpaid for her 99 cent rain poncho. The wind made sure it never stayed in place.

Eventually we got sick of fighting the wind, and stopped in Abbotsford. A phone call home informed us that Ryan had a hernia. He probably had it before the trip began, but the cycling was making it larger. He would have a successful surgery a few days later to fix it.

31 miles today, 104 total