I am 15 years old and I first learned how to ride bike when I was 7 years old. A week later I went on my first 100 mile bike trip. My brother Chris has inspired me the most through this. I'll never forget all of our trips we had together and I can't wait to expierence what lies ahead. All together I have rode over 1,000 miles with Chris and Laura. After my accident (getting hit by a dump truck) I wondered when I would get back up again and find my strength to ride again. Through all these years of biking I found it has became my passion. I just love the feeling of accomplishment. Now this is the chance I have to take to fufill that dream and know I've done it. Making it to New Orleans has been my goal to achieve. Lastly, I want to thank all of you that have been there for me through everything.
Great Job!
Katie, I gotta say...so guys are ambitious. That is way cool what you did...not just the long journey. but the fact that you accomplished a big goal of yours. Keep the goals lined up and knocking them down Katie. You are going to go a long ways in life....much further than this biking adventure. Your dad is a very proud man...trust me..he kept us updated on your journey and his chest puffed out every time. Good Job Katie! Im proud to know you guys. You all deserve some rest now..hehe
Okay Katie, Ready, set,
Okay Katie,
Ready, set, gooooo. Peddle hard and steer straight.
Just remember, GIRLS RULE
Good Luck.
You are so awesome
Katie, you always have and always will amaze me. Is there anything you won't try, to be with your brother & Laura on an adventure? Your accident scared us all. We weren't so sure you would ride again. Oh how you surprised us all. I am so proud of you for all of your strength. You won't let anything or anyone stop you from achieving this goal. The accident didn't stop you, friends and peers won't stop you. You are one 15 year old who truly ROCKS.
Don't forget your cell phone charger and your cool sunglasses and you are all set to go. I am so looking forward to picking you all up on the other side of this adventure.
I'm so proud of you and all the rest for taking on this challenge. I know you all can do it.
Thanks Kate
I couldn't imagine a better person to have this adventure with.
Now, lets not let social services read this.