Chris, Laura, Katie, Chuck, and especially Roger...............Thank you for a wonderful visit. It was way to short, (24 hours to be exact) but very entertaining. I will never forget seeing Niagara Falls with 5 of my most favorite people; Roger, of course, is my most Bestest Favorite People. Have a great rest of your trip. I'll see you all on the flip side.
It was neat letting someone see a typical day for us. That was pretty much the nicest hotel, and night, we have had yet. You should have visited us in Port Burwell. Port Burhell is the real name.
Next time, bring your trike and ride with us for a day. :)
I'd do the whole trip with you all IF you can finish in either a year, or just stay near home. I am too slow, cute, but slow. (and you all have to carry my gear - HA) I suppose I could get a nice sleek fast bike like Laura has, but we know what happened when I tried Katie's first bike. That didn't go very well. Remember? Besides, who would be your "road-crew"? I think it's best we keep things the way they are; it works for me. :)