The posts for Days 2 through 4 have been updatd with our gps track. Go check it out if you interested in seeing where we have been.
Flag: Chuck's new Flag I am all set to go! Check out my new flag, Amanda made it for me! It is hard to see how shiny it really is in the image.
A long time ago Chris said he wanted to ride bike down the mississippi, so I asked when he planned to do it and if I could come with. I hadn't been on any multi-day bike trips before, so this was all new to me. Finally Chris picked a date, and the planning began. We went to the Hostel Shoppe and I ordered a trike. That same weekend we went on a short 2 day bike trip from Hustler to Norwalk (about 30 miles) on upright bicycles. That was when I knew for sure i never wanted to ride an upright again, and that I had made a good choice in ordering my trike! To bad I didn't have it for that trip!