Day 7 - August 8, 2008 - Park Falls to Medford - 67 miles

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The weather was beautiful today, and riding was perfect. Lets suppress the memory of that huge gravel hill... and let our therapist worry about it.

After the torturous gravel hill we were able to find side roads that were nicely paved and without heavy traffic. Lets give credit to the guy with the maps....

Everyone made great time on the smooth rolling hills today.

Taters saw a badger today! We have not seen very much wildlife on this trip unless you count the anthill that Taters plopped onto when she forgot to unclip her shoes. In the distance we did see a group of large animals running down a gravel road. They looked to be about the size of a horse, light brown in color, taking nice long strides. It was too far away to get a good view or photo.

Rootbeer was $3.75 per gallon again today. What a deal!

Earlier in the day we were assured that Medford would be empty. In Medford we were surprised to learn that every hotel was booked....except a single opening. We got the last room in town, and paid dearly for it. Taters was finally impressed by something, as she quickly fell asleep on her sleeping pad. Soft carpet!

67 miles today (377 total)