Planning our 2011 Tour of Northern Tier

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The Plan
Our plan is as follows..............5 riders for this trip....

Northern Tier ACA Map: Northern Tier ACA MapNorthern Tier ACA Map: Northern Tier ACA Map

School Ends: Friday June 10th
Start Date: We will leave Saturday and Sunday for packing, last minute planning, and goodbyes, then leave Monday June 13th.
End Date: We must be home August 8th, 8 weeks later.

Katie: Navigator & Leader
Laura: Assistant Navigator
Chris: Photography, Cook
TJ: Assistant Cook, Bear and Mountain Lion Watch
Roger: Bear and Mountain Lion Bait

Start at near Hustler, Wisconsin.
End at the ocean near Forks, Washington.
Follow the Northern Tier, Adventure Cycling Bike Route.
2500 miles.

Probably about 2500.

Every 5 miles between here and the Pacific.